A Summer to Remember (2018)

A Summer to Remember (2018) WRM Review

Title: A Summer to Remember

Release Date: 2018

Date Reviewed: July 31, 2023

More Information: On IMDB

Watched on: Hallmark (Amazon Instant)


Emotional (1-5): 5

Tears (1-5): 5

Romance (1-5): 5

Funny (1-5): 5

Ending (1-5): 5

Synopsis: ER doc Jessica loves her job, but not the hours. Meeting Trevor in Fiji, Jessica also strikes up a friendship with Will, co-owner of their resort. As Jessica notices how Trevor is a workaholic, she also sees that Will offers tranquility.

I will remember it because: Of the beautiful island views of Fiji. The water and forest areas were simply stunning.

Watch this movie if: Work keeps you from your family and being the person you envisioned. However, we can all make a change, even if its tough.

Five Keywords: Fiji Vacation, Doctor, Single Mother, Beautiful Views, Honey Cake (PERFECT RATING)


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